<marquee onmouseover="stop()" onmouseout="start()" direction="up">
for speed and behaviour
<marquee scrollamount="4" behavior="alternate">
Width : How wide the marquee is . eg:
<marquee width="200">
Height : How tall the marquee is. eg:
<marquee height="200">
Direction : which direction marquee should scroll. eg: left,right,up,down.
<marquee direction="right">
Behavior : what type of scrolling you want. eg:scroll,slide,alternate
<marquee behavior="scroll">
Scrolldelay : How long to delay between each jump. eg:
<marquee scrolldelay="20">
Scrollamount : How for to jump. eg:
<marquee scrollamount="2">
Loop : How many times to loop.
<marquee loop="2">
BGColor : Background Colour. eg:
<marquee BGColor="yellow">
HSpace : Horizontal space around the marquee. eg:
<marquee HSpace="10">
VSpace : Vertical around the marquee. eg:
<marquee VSpace="10">